Wednesday, March 7, 2012


These were my first English books. PROJECT 1 was my first book at secondary school. At those times, English was not a subject at primary but only at secondary (at least in state schools) and we attended it only from 2nd year onwards. This cover is from the workbook, the student's book had a rocket, a space shuttle or something of the sort on its cover.

When I started attending an English course at an institute, my first book was BLUEPRINT 1. It was amazing for me! I loved it and I still keep it in my bookshelf as well as PROJECT 1.


  1. Ahhh, I remember TEACHING with those books!!! I simply LOVED Project 1, Projects 2 & 3 were not that good. And Blueprint hwas written by the same authors of Opening Stategies (or Stategies series): the first communicative books.
    Ages ago!!!

    stella :-)

  2. I have Opening Strategies at home!!!! The one with the orange cover! My brother used it at school.

  3. mi primer libro fue Project 1 y lo ame! y Snap en la primaria! todavia me acuerdo de las canciones!

    1. Wow, Miriam!!!! Project 1 was my first book too... when English was taught only in secondary schools. I loved it and still do!
