Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!

Compensacion... WHAT IS THAT? PART 2

Beautiful ears = OREJ HERMOS (at least she wrote HERMOS with an H!)
He came yesterday = HE WINE YESTERDAY (Thanks, Ale Rodriguez!)
Muscled knees (a bit strange to have a well built pair of knees, isn't it?) = RODI CON MOSCULO MUCHIS
She has white hair = SHE HAS HAIR DE COLOUR BLACK

Any similarities with THE GATURRO BRUTISH ENGLISH METHOD is just a mere coincidence!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Compensacion... WHAT IS THAT?

Some of my students' productions during the december make up periods along my ten years of teaching experience.

Head = CABES
Ears = URIJES!!!!
Eyes = UJUS!!!
Fingers = DIDUS DI LES MENUS (Isn't it Latin?)
Seven = SEMEN
She has white teeth = SHE GAS BLANC DIENT
Her name is Nancy Duplaa = SHE NAME NANC DUPL
Jack o' lantern = CALABAT, CUCHI, CABON
Thirty-three = TRI-TRI
American = USUAIAN

There'll be more comming soon!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

This video, also present in my teaching sequence, is supposed to be showed to students as a pre task so as to introduce Christmas vocabulary.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Yes! Yes! Yes!

I finally could add a gadget to my blog...!!!!! Thanx, Stella!

I finally created my (new) blog!!!

I couldn't change my email address so as to use the other blog so I had to create a new one... oops!